

When you use ModManager to install game modifications you may encounter some errors. On this page we have collected all the popular errors, described the possible reasons for their occurrence and ways of elimination.

If you encounter an error that is not listed on this page, please contact us through the "Contact us" form, give us error`s name and try to describe your actions.


The MMRC resource file not found. To install modifications next to run the EXE file must be the MMRC file with the same name - because of its absence of the user and then this error occurs. Perhaps you are trying to run the installer directly from the archive without extracting the file resources in the MMRC.

How to fix the error: to place the EXE file of the installer in the same folder as the resource file (MMRC or MMBAK). You downloaded them from the site in one archive (for example, 64956-volkswagen-passat.exe and 64956-volkswagen-passat.mmrc).


Unfortunately, the installer fails to open a file with mod resources. Perhaps the file was corrupted during the download or extraction of files.

How to fix this error: you must re-download the modification.


The cause of this error is very simple file .mmrc (or .mmbak in the case of removal of the modification) does not match .exe. Most likely you confused something in the startup folder with the mod put a file with resources for the modification of another game.

How to fix the error: to place the EXE file of the installer in the same folder as the resource file (MMRC or MMBAK). You downloaded them from the site in one archive (for example, 64956-volkswagen-passat.exe and 64956-volkswagen-passat.mmrc).


This error occurs if the directory you specified is not suitable for installation of the modification. You may have made a typo when writing the path manually.

How to fix this error: once again, carefully check the installation path of the mod, which you pointed out.


You have a running game that you want to modify. It is not recommended to install mods running the game, as some files may be corrupted during simultaneous reading and writing of data by the installer and the game.

How to fix the error: close the game and re-start the installation of the mod. If this fails, you must restart the computer.


An unknown error occurred installing the mod. Perhaps some game files is locked for changes.

How to fix this error: try to restart the computer and rerun the installer.


An unknown error has occurred delete modification.

How to fix this error: if you manually made changes to the game files, you must remove those changes and re-run the file removal.